Home Support FAQ PCS Configuration Register Object 2510:4
Configuration Register Object 2510:4

INCON - Input configuration register (Object 2510:4)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw


Field Bit Function
IN1CON Input signal IN1/POS-L/MAN-L configuration:
0 0 0 not connected
0 0 1 manual left input (MAN-L), signal is "Active High"
0 1 0 manual left input (MAN-L), sognal is "Active Low"
0 1 1 SI: manual input direction (LEFT/RIGHT), signal LEFT is "high-active"

XI: manual left input direction (LEFT/RIGHT), same polarity as signal ENABLE

1 x 0 negative limit switch, signal is "Active Low"
1 x 1 negative limit switch, signal is "Active High"
IN2CON Input signal IN2/POS-R/MAN-R configuration:
0 0 0 not connected
0 0 1 positive manual input (MAN-R), signal is "Active High"
0 1 0 positive manual input (MAN-R), signal is "Active Low"
0 1 1 direction of rotation (cw/ccw), same polarity as signal ENABLE. Version >= v3r0476.
1 x 0 positive limit switch (POS-R), signal is "Active Low"
1 x 1 positive limit switch (POS-R), signal is "Active High"
IN3CON Input signal IN3/POS-REF configuration:
0 0 not connected
0 1 home switch (POS-REF), signal is "Active High"
1 0 home switch (POS-REF), signal is "Active Low"
1 1 reserved for internal use
IN4CON Input signal IN4/MAN-L configuration (PCSx 200 - 400 only):
0 0 not connected
0 1 Negative manual input (MAN-L), signal is "Active High"
1 0 Negative manual input (MAN-L), signal is "Active Low"
1 1 manual input direction (LEFT/RIGHT), same polarity as signal ENABLE, ANALOG VELOCITY MODE only
IN5CON Input signal IN5/MAN-R configuration (PCSx 200 - 400 only):
0 0 not connected
0 1 Positive manual input (MAN-R), signal is "Active High"
1 0 Positive manual input (MAN-R), signal is "Active Low"
1 1 manual input mode (MODE-REF), same polarity as signal ENABLE
ENACON Input signal ENABLE configuration (PCSx 200 - 400 only):
0 0 not connected
0 1 ENABLE signal is "Active High"
1 0 ENABLE signal is "Active Low"
1 1 reserved for internal use
ANACON Input signal ANALOG configuration (PCSx 200 - 400 only):
0 analog input signal 0 - 10VDC or 4 - 20mA unidirectional, sign is input via IN2CON or IN4CON
1 analog input signal 5VDC - 0 cw, 5VDC - 10VDC ccw, 5V is 0 rpm
MAPBIT Status word mapping:
0 signals POS-L, POS-R and POS-REF are not mapped into status word
1 signals POS-L, POS-R and POS-REF are mapped into status word